Doctor & Staff
Meet the experienced and friendly doctor and staff who make Bradford Vision Center a proud provider of vision care products and services in Granite City.
Tyler Bradford O.D.
Dr. Bradford is a longtime resident of Illinois and graduated from Wayne City High School in Wayne City, IL in 2006. Following this, he attended Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL, and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences. After his undergraduate studies, Dr. Bradford attended Indiana University in Bloomington, IN where he received his doctorate in Optometry (O.D.) degree in 2014.
Following graduation, he started his career working for Marion Eye Center in Southern Illinois for 4 years. Specializing in many forms of ocular disease treatment and various forms of ocular surgery.
In 2020, he started Bradford Vision Center in Granite City, IL where he currently works 3 days per week. On days when Dr. Bradford is not seeing patients at his office in Granite City, he is seeing patients at the Wood River Wal-Mart Vision Center.
When Dr. Bradford is not working, he enjoys bow hunting, watching St. Louis Blues hockey games, visiting the national parks, and traveling.
Brittanie – Office Manager
Brittanie is our Office Manager and she can help solve almost any problem you may have. Brittanie has been with us for 3+ years, and has been in the Optical field for 10+ years with 10+ years of management experience. When she is not at the office she is either working on school work (she is pursuing a master’s degree in Business Management and Psychology) or she is spending time with her children.
Catie – Optician
Catie is our Optician and she is always available to help with frame selection or to troubleshoot any issues you may have! Catie has been with us since May 2024 and has been an Optician for about 2 years. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her husband, playing with her dogs, and spending quality time with family and friends.
Kyla – Optometric Assistant
Kyla is our Optometric Assistant, helping out in every area of the office. Whether you’re picking up your glasses, or scheduling an appointment, she can help! Kyla has been with us since November 2023 and she is currently pursuing a degree in business at SWIC. When she is not at the office, Kyla enjoys spending time with her family and finding fun activities to do outdoors.